Sunday, March 4, 2012

Like, Like, Like! ^^

Hi! Happy Sunday! ^^
How are you today? xD Fine? ^^ Not? Why? ^^
Haha, I'm so fussy today>o<
Kekeke, can you help me?
My Niece joined a Photo Competition.. and, if you want My Niece's win, you must like her photo..
Can you help me?? Please.. >o<
I'll give you something if you already like her photo, just comment in this entry if you're already like her photo..
this is the link:

Hehe, there is 4 photo that you must like..
Sorry guys, hehe xD

Thankyou for the like. God bless you always ت


  1. masih maen fb weh? kwkw coba aja ktauan *** *** and smwa **** ******* , wkwk mantep dah xp kwkw
    if i have a time, i'll like your photo :)
    salam, horas bang :p

  2. itu gw disuruh bantuin aja.. gw aja ngetik ini diliatin ama emak gw, katanya cuma buka link eh diliatin X_X wkkw

  3. whahah xp emak lu tq dong lu punya blog?

  4. Tau lahh.. gw cuma ambil link doang, soalnya pada ga percaya ama gw, jadi di liatin. whehe, promosiin blog gua dong, masa cuma 9 FOLLOWER! T.T eh maksud total blog views apa?

  5. total blogs views: gw yg psang tuh heheh, itu mksdnya jumlah total org yg udh lyatr blog lu, oh ya klo mw bnyk follwoers lu sering2 comment di blog org lain commentnya bilang gni nih : nice entry :) follow me and i'll follback you
    di followers gw kan ada tuh sooyoungster yg namanya randhgraphy, minta follow ajah x) #ngerti gak sma kata2 gw? x) kwkekekwqkwkwkekwekewe

    klo udh bleh buka fb gw mw krim fto ke mjlh girls! x) pasti dimuat! x) amieen

  6. Oh gitu, Amin! yaudah yee, im go to the church dulu.. gw comment di blognya ci veren lee tapi ga d respon o.O haha.. xD
    ci tiffany jg, yaudah, hehe xD

  7. veren lee emang gak respon, hhe x) eh tdi gw mw ngomong apa yah?

  8. kalo gitu ngapain dia buat blog:P *maap..*
    eh, tpi mau comment di blog mana coba? o.O

  9. coba liat aja followers gw, bisa di ajak kerja sma semwa kok,! wkkw eh ya nnti mw gak smp les brng gtu sma gw, biar klo pisah kelas kita ttep bertemen x)

  10. emang klo fashion blogger tuh emang gtu, gk ngerespon

  11. percuma dah elu minta follow, gk bkal di follow kwkw liat profile dya nih, gak ada blog yg di follow ;p --->

  12. Yop! Ayo2 aja siih :D
    Ooh gitu toh, kalau gua jadi fashion blogger gw pasti respon! ^^

  13. soal yg tdi di skolah weh yg si **** hack si **** , itu gw udh check fb mreka berdua, gila tulisannya , sumpah mirip bgd, dri cra dya ngomong iconnya . mirip


Thanks for the sweet comment in my blog.
I will reply it one by one, and of course take a look of your blog! ;D
Tell me if you want to follow each other! :)
Thank you so much!